SVC (III) PRO Series Fase Tunggal AC Tegangan Stabilizer 15-30Kva

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Features♦ MCU control♦ Overload protection(on PCB)≥120%♦ Motor protection (Unique function)♦ Themistor,upgraded function to offer moreaccurate over-heat protection to the device.♦ Lamun kipas teu bisa dipake, alat bakal neukteuk off output pikeun nyingkahan over-heat.♦ Over voltage & Under voltage protection♦ LED display/ Colorful LED display♦ More accuracy output precision ≤2%

Geser ka kénca pikeun tabel pinuh
Spésifikasi 10KVA (Vértikal) 15KVA 20KVA 30KVA
Input Fase Fase tunggal
Voltaseu AC150V-250V / 70V-150V (Kustomisasi)
Frékuénsi 50Hz/60Hz
Kaluaran Voltaseu 220V / 230V / 240V ± 2% / atanapi 110V / 120V / 130V ± 2% (Pilihan)
Kapasitas 8000W 12000W 16000W 24000W
Frékuénsi 50Hz/60Hz
Panyalindungan tegangan low AC184V ± 4V / AC105V ± 4V
Leuwih tegangan AC246V ± 4V / AC142V ± 4V
Waktos Reureuh 5sec / 255sec Dipilih
Onverload / sirkuit pondok Perlindungan ganda (MCB + MCU)
Bungkusan Pcs per karton
Pangiriman Wt. (Kg) 35 51.3 61.2 80.2
Bungkusan dimensi (mm) 335*395*600
Efisiensi AC-AC 98%
Akustik Tingkat bising ≤50dB
Lingkungan Suhu ﹣5 ℃ nepi ka 40 ℃
Kalembaban 20% nepi ka 90%
QTY (pcs) 20 ft 400 245 210 125

PRO 15-30K 3rd Gen Servo Tipe Tegangan StabilizerPRO 15-30K 3rd Gen Servo Tipe Tegangan Stabilizer3rd Gen Servo Tipe Tegangan Stabilizer

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